


  • 片名:地球边缘之旅第一季
  • 状态:全4集
  • 主演:未知
  • 导演:大卫·亚当斯/
  • 年份:1999
  • 地区:澳大利亚
  • 类型:纪录片/综艺/
  • 评分:4.0分
  • 热度:579 ℃
  • 语言:英语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 06:50
  • 简介:Journeys to the Ends of the Earth is a 1999 television series produced by the Discovery Channel. Its two year production made it the most expensive a*enture tr*el series ever missioned in Australia. The series was co-produced by D*id Adams. It was nominated for Best Documentary Series by the Australian Logie Awards.Afghanistan - In Search of the Lost BuddhasAdams hitches a ride with the Taliban to cris-cross Afghanistan: a country where few westerners dare to go. He finally reaches the Bamiyan Buddhas, just before they are destroyed.Iran - People of the FlameAdams tr*els the Iranian wilderness in search of the Zoroastrians, an ancient people who h*e tended a holy flame for the last 1500 years.Pakistan - The Road to Shangri-LaAdams crosses the high mountains of Northern Pakistan in search of Shangri-La, immortalised by James Hilton in his classic Lost Horizons.Kamchatka - The Forbidden ZoneA journey through the arctic extremes of a primeval world; through the youngest landscape on the planet....across Far Eastern Siberia in search of some of the Cold War*s darkest secrets - a journey to the beginning of the Earth.
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    番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供综艺《地球边缘之旅第一季》剧情概述:Journeys to the Ends of the Earth is a 1999 television series produced by the Discovery Channel. Its two year production made it the most expensive a*enture tr*el series ever missioned in Australia. The series was co-produced by D*id Adams. It was nominated for Best Documentary Series by the Australian Logie Awards.Afghanistan - In Search of the Lost BuddhasAdams hitches a ride with the Taliban to cris-cross Afghanistan: a country where few westerners dare to go. He finally reaches the Bamiyan Buddhas, just before they are destroyed.Iran - People of the FlameAdams tr*els the Iranian wilderness in search of the Zoroastrians, an ancient people who h*e tended a holy flame for the last 1500 years.Pakistan - The Road to Shangri-LaAdams crosses the high mountains of Northern Pakistan in search of Shangri-La, immortalised by James Hilton in his classic Lost Horizons.Kamchatka - The Forbidden ZoneA journey through the arctic extremes of a primeval world; through the youngest landscape on the planet....across Far Eastern Siberia in search of some of the Cold War*s darkest secrets - a journey to the beginning of the Earth.




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