


  • 片名:南斯拉夫戰爭:斯洛文尼亞人所記錄的九年戰爭
  • 状态:全2集
  • 主演:未知
  • 导演:Vojko/Bostjancic/
  • 年份:1999
  • 地区:斯洛文尼亞
  • 类型:纪录片/战争/综艺/
  • 评分:1.0分
  • 热度:10 ℃
  • 语言:英语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 06:56
  • 简介:This is a two part Slovenian documentary on the Yugosl* Wars 1991-1999. It uses extensive archive footage from Slovenian terrestrial TV. H*ing watched every documentary I can find on this subject I can say that much of the footage contained in this documentary is unique to it, at least from a Western European audience's standpoint. As such this is an excellent documentary for those with an interest in the fall of Yugosl*ia, or those looking for an account of the wars from a Slovenian perspective.As this is a war documentary be prepared for some violent/disturbing scenes. Above all of the other documentaries covering the Yugosl* wars I think that this one has some particularly gruesome images, corpses with gunshot wounds to the head, etc. The usual war footage I see on satellite TV news, rarely if ever shows such things, or when they are shown this is done so quickly, this is not the case here. I found that this does two things, firstly it hammers home the brutality of war. Secondly it illustrates the 'glossing over' of the reality of war by much of the global (or at least Western, from my own experience) media, where scenes of intense, real life violence are perhaps too difficult to swallow with an evening meal. That said, please note that this documentary is almost two hours long and these violent scenes only take up *all parts of it.
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番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供综艺《南斯拉夫戰爭:斯洛文尼亞人所記錄的九年戰爭》剧情概述:This is a two part Slovenian documentary on the Yugosl* Wars 1991-1999. It uses extensive archive footage from Slovenian terrestrial TV. H*ing watched every documentary I can find on this subject I can say that much of the footage contained in this documentary is unique to it, at least from a Western European audience's standpoint. As such this is an excellent documentary for those with an interest in the fall of Yugosl*ia, or those looking for an account of the wars from a Slovenian perspective.As this is a war documentary be prepared for some violent/disturbing scenes. Above all of the other documentaries covering the Yugosl* wars I think that this one has some particularly gruesome images, corpses with gunshot wounds to the head, etc. The usual war footage I see on satellite TV news, rarely if ever shows such things, or when they are shown this is done so quickly, this is not the case here. I found that this does two things, firstly it hammers home the brutality of war. Secondly it illustrates the 'glossing over' of the reality of war by much of the global (or at least Western, from my own experience) media, where scenes of intense, real life violence are perhaps too difficult to swallow with an evening meal. That said, please note that this documentary is almost two hours long and these violent scenes only take up *all parts of it.




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