

Human + Le Futur de nos sens(法)


  • 片名:突破感官极限第一季
  • 状态:全5集
  • 主演:Lidell/Simpson/
  • 导演:Vincent/Barthélémy/Thomas/Cirotteau/Leo/Singer/
  • 年份:2019
  • 地区:加拿大
  • 类型:纪录片/综艺/
  • 评分:7.0分
  • 热度:120 ℃
  • 语言:英语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 06:56
  • 简介:HUMAN+ The Future of Our Senses brings viewers into the enigmatic world of scientists, researchers, and entrepreneurs who are revolutionizing the way people see, touch, taste, hear, and *ell. Each episode delves into the awe-inspiring and emotional stories of people whose lives are being transformed through some of the most cutting-edge a*ances in technology of the five senses: touch, sight, hearing, taste and *ell.—Idéacom InternationalEpisode 1: Touch (Le toucher)The sense of touch is an invisible force of human nature. Not only does it perceive tiny elements that our eyes can't see, but it plays a vital role in our lives.Episode 2: Sight (La vue)The science of sight has entered a new era.Episode 3: Hearing (L'ouïe)As the mysteries of hearing are revealed, we see how technology and scientific progress are working to restore, replace, or supercharge this enormously powerful human sense.Episode 4: Taste And Smell (Le goût et l'odorat)Your sense of *ell is much more developed than you might imagine. In your genetic code, 400 genes make up the receptors of your sense of *ell. You are able to *ell billions of odors.Episode 5: Orchestra Of The Senses (Le mélange des sens)Sight, touch, hearing, taste, and *ell send sensory messages to the brain at a speed of 430km/hr.
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番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供综艺《突破感官极限第一季》剧情概述:HUMAN+ The Future of Our Senses brings viewers into the enigmatic world of scientists, researchers, and entrepreneurs who are revolutionizing the way people see, touch, taste, hear, and *ell. Each episode delves into the awe-inspiring and emotional stories of people whose lives are being transformed through some of the most cutting-edge a*ances in technology of the five senses: touch, sight, hearing, taste and *ell.—Idéacom InternationalEpisode 1: Touch (Le toucher)The sense of touch is an invisible force of human nature. Not only does it perceive tiny elements that our eyes can't see, but it plays a vital role in our lives.Episode 2: Sight (La vue)The science of sight has entered a new era.Episode 3: Hearing (L'ouïe)As the mysteries of hearing are revealed, we see how technology and scientific progress are working to restore, replace, or supercharge this enormously powerful human sense.Episode 4: Taste And Smell (Le goût et l'odorat)Your sense of *ell is much more developed than you might imagine. In your genetic code, 400 genes make up the receptors of your sense of *ell. You are able to *ell billions of odors.Episode 5: Orchestra Of The Senses (Le mélange des sens)Sight, touch, hearing, taste, and *ell send sensory messages to the brain at a speed of 430km/hr.




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