


  • 片名:拉森火山国家公园之旅
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:未知
  • 导演:.J./Hammer/
  • 年份:1918
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:纪录片/短片/综艺/
  • 评分:6.0分
  • 热度:17 ℃
  • 语言:国语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 15:58
  • 简介:These days, Lassen Peak sleeps. Standing on the crater rim, you’ll be hard-pressed to think of the summit as a fiery place. In fact, you’ll likely be cold. The airy heights, more than 10,400 feet above sea level, are whipped by chilly winds even in summer, and most years a snowfield blankets the pit of the main crater.But in the early twentieth century Lassen was the only—and thus the premier—erupting volcano in the United States. From 1914 to 1917, the plug dome belched steam, jettisoned ash, and on two occasions blew with such ferocity that entire landscapes were reconfigured, a nation was transfixed, and a fledgling national parks system rushed to protect its beauty and volatility for posterity.The mountain’s explosive history is front and center in Lassen Volcanic National Park, where displays of photographs by B. F. Loomis and others document the drama of major eruptions in 1914–15. It’s also front and center in A Trip through the Lassen Volcanic National Park. The centerpiece of this short film is footage of Lassen in action, as novel now as it was at the time of its release in 1918. With these images, cinematographer J. J. Hammer of Red Bluff, California, created what one expert determined *might be the second oldest existing film of an erupting volcano* as well as *one of the first in a long line of volcanic films that capture the majesty and awe-inspiring views of an eruption.*转载自:https://filmpreservation.*rg/preserved-films/screening-room/a-trip-through-lassen-volcanic-national-park-1918
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    番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供综艺《拉森火山国家公园之旅》剧情概述:These days, Lassen Peak sleeps. Standing on the crater rim, you’ll be hard-pressed to think of the summit as a fiery place. In fact, you’ll likely be cold. The airy heights, more than 10,400 feet above sea level, are whipped by chilly winds even in summer, and most years a snowfield blankets the pit of the main crater.But in the early twentieth century Lassen was the only—and thus the premier—erupting volcano in the United States. From 1914 to 1917, the plug dome belched steam, jettisoned ash, and on two occasions blew with such ferocity that entire landscapes were reconfigured, a nation was transfixed, and a fledgling national parks system rushed to protect its beauty and volatility for posterity.The mountain’s explosive history is front and center in Lassen Volcanic National Park, where displays of photographs by B. F. Loomis and others document the drama of major eruptions in 1914–15. It’s also front and center in A Trip through the Lassen Volcanic National Park. The centerpiece of this short film is footage of Lassen in action, as novel now as it was at the time of its release in 1918. With these images, cinematographer J. J. Hammer of Red Bluff, California, created what one expert determined *might be the second oldest existing film of an erupting volcano* as well as *one of the first in a long line of volcanic films that capture the majesty and awe-inspiring views of an eruption.*转载自:https://filmpreservation.*rg/preserved-films/screening-room/a-trip-through-lassen-volcanic-national-park-1918




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