


  • 片名:蒂莫西·利里之死
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:未知
  • 导演:Paul/Davids/
  • 年份:1996
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:纪录片/传记/综艺/
  • 评分:6.0分
  • 热度:907 ℃
  • 语言:英语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 16:01
  • 简介:Journalizing his final year before dying of cancer in May 1996, this documentary takes a sentimental walk down memory-lane to honor a man whose place in history is surely guaranteed. Probably best known for his oft-quoted (and misunderstood) 1960s phrase wherein Dr.Leary encouraged everyone to *turn on, tune in and drop out*, the filmmakers sought to capture the real man behind the legend; vox-pops with friends, colleges and family pepper the storyline that made-up the multi-faceted man who was author, psychologist, teacher, guru, fugitive-from-justice and dignified humorist. We see him in his experimental 1960s, the hippie 70s, his thoughtful 80s and the futuristic 90s. Overall a very satisfying documentary about this extraordinary man. Ever the Professor, we see his musings on life & death and, after succumbing to the inevitable, we witness the (somewhat macabre) after-death cryogenic storage of his severed head for his optimistic, future generations to do with what they may.
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    番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供综艺《蒂莫西·利里之死》剧情概述:Journalizing his final year before dying of cancer in May 1996, this documentary takes a sentimental walk down memory-lane to honor a man whose place in history is surely guaranteed. Probably best known for his oft-quoted (and misunderstood) 1960s phrase wherein Dr.Leary encouraged everyone to *turn on, tune in and drop out*, the filmmakers sought to capture the real man behind the legend; vox-pops with friends, colleges and family pepper the storyline that made-up the multi-faceted man who was author, psychologist, teacher, guru, fugitive-from-justice and dignified humorist. We see him in his experimental 1960s, the hippie 70s, his thoughtful 80s and the futuristic 90s. Overall a very satisfying documentary about this extraordinary man. Ever the Professor, we see his musings on life & death and, after succumbing to the inevitable, we witness the (somewhat macabre) after-death cryogenic storage of his severed head for his optimistic, future generations to do with what they may.




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