


  • 片名:天地吟咏处:劳伦·哈里斯的精神之旅
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:Diane/D'Aquila/Phyllis/Ellis/Colm/Feore/Steve/Martin/Eric/Peterson/
  • 导演:Nancy/Lang/&/Peter/Raymont/
  • 年份:2016
  • 地区:加拿大
  • 类型:纪录片/综艺/
  • 评分:3.0分
  • 热度:629 ℃
  • 语言:英语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 16:01
  • 简介:Co-founder and leader of the legendary Group of Seven, Lawren Harris has bee the most valued artist in Canadian history. His canvasses routinely sell at auction for several million dollars. Who was this curious man, a revolutionary in his day, who challenged critics and painted Canada with bold brush strokes and brilliant colour?WHERE THE UNIVERSE SINGS features over 130 of Harris*s paintings, with highlights from family films, including Harris* own footage, and dozens of photographs from private collections. This intimate portrait also includes works by those who influenced Harris, including Van Gogh, Cezanne, Gauguin, Kandinsky, Carr and O*Keeffe.WHERE THE UNIVERSE SINGS is told through engaging interviews with curator/entertainer Steve Martin, the Art Gallery of Ontario*s Andrew Hunter, the Vancouver Art Gallery*s Ian Thom, curator and art critic Sarah Milroy, biographer Peter Larisey, curators and authors Dannis Reid and Roald Nasgaard, author and collector Ash Prakash, author Lisa Christensen, artist Gordon Smith and Harris* grandchildren Stew Sheppard and Toni Ann Chowne.Harris*s writing is voiced by celebrated actor Colm Feore, with additional voice-overs by Eric Peterson as A.Y.Jackson, Diane D*Aquila as Emily Carr and Phyllis Ellis as Bess Harris.
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    番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供综艺《天地吟咏处:劳伦·哈里斯的精神之旅》剧情概述:Co-founder and leader of the legendary Group of Seven, Lawren Harris has bee the most valued artist in Canadian history. His canvasses routinely sell at auction for several million dollars. Who was this curious man, a revolutionary in his day, who challenged critics and painted Canada with bold brush strokes and brilliant colour?WHERE THE UNIVERSE SINGS features over 130 of Harris*s paintings, with highlights from family films, including Harris* own footage, and dozens of photographs from private collections. This intimate portrait also includes works by those who influenced Harris, including Van Gogh, Cezanne, Gauguin, Kandinsky, Carr and O*Keeffe.WHERE THE UNIVERSE SINGS is told through engaging interviews with curator/entertainer Steve Martin, the Art Gallery of Ontario*s Andrew Hunter, the Vancouver Art Gallery*s Ian Thom, curator and art critic Sarah Milroy, biographer Peter Larisey, curators and authors Dannis Reid and Roald Nasgaard, author and collector Ash Prakash, author Lisa Christensen, artist Gordon Smith and Harris* grandchildren Stew Sheppard and Toni Ann Chowne.Harris*s writing is voiced by celebrated actor Colm Feore, with additional voice-overs by Eric Peterson as A.Y.Jackson, Diane D*Aquila as Emily Carr and Phyllis Ellis as Bess Harris.




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