

The Assignment


  • 片名:特别任务
  • 状态:第34集完结
  • 主演:Christopher/Plummer/Thomas/Hellberg/Carolyn/Seymour/
  • 导演:Mats/Arehn/
  • 年份:1977
  • 地区:瑞典
  • 类型:剧情/电视/
  • 评分:1.0分
  • 热度:346 ℃
  • 语言:瑞典语
  • 时间:2024-05-31 02:51
  • 简介:Dalgren, a trim young diplomat, is flown from Stockholm to an unnamed Latin American country in an effort to mediate between right and left in the wake of a General*s assassination. Appalled by what he sees, he realises that his ethical code is pletely inadequate in the face of a voracious and endemic violence. He is transfixed, like a rabbit in the eyes of a snake, by the chief of police, Captain Behounek, only to bee aware that this man too is a born loser. Behounek has grown numb from killing, just as Dalgren has grown ineffectual from years fof welfare cosseting. He may be sent, a pawn to safeguard the interests of Swedish industry in the Third World, but he is also responding to a personal challenge-and he fails.*The Assignment concerns individuals, not causes, and Mats Arehn*s direction goes unflinchingly to the heart of the problem. The camera acpanies Dalgren with the same dogged persistence as his uns*oury body-guards; the music of Allan Pettersson strikes a mood of menance and futility. But only a Swedish team could h*e anatomised the dilemmaof the middleman with such devastating skill. One le*es tha Assignment stirred and chastened, so prehensively has one been forced to identify with Dalgren, and to perceive in his incapacity a reflection of one*s own.*(Peter Cowie, 1978 International Film Guide)
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番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供连续剧《特别任务》剧情概述:Dalgren, a trim young diplomat, is flown from Stockholm to an unnamed Latin American country in an effort to mediate between right and left in the wake of a General*s assassination. Appalled by what he sees, he realises that his ethical code is pletely inadequate in the face of a voracious and endemic violence. He is transfixed, like a rabbit in the eyes of a snake, by the chief of police, Captain Behounek, only to bee aware that this man too is a born loser. Behounek has grown numb from killing, just as Dalgren has grown ineffectual from years fof welfare cosseting. He may be sent, a pawn to safeguard the interests of Swedish industry in the Third World, but he is also responding to a personal challenge-and he fails.*The Assignment concerns individuals, not causes, and Mats Arehn*s direction goes unflinchingly to the heart of the problem. The camera acpanies Dalgren with the same dogged persistence as his uns*oury body-guards; the music of Allan Pettersson strikes a mood of menance and futility. But only a Swedish team could h*e anatomised the dilemmaof the middleman with such devastating skill. One le*es tha Assignment stirred and chastened, so prehensively has one been forced to identify with Dalgren, and to perceive in his incapacity a reflection of one*s own.*(Peter Cowie, 1978 International Film Guide)




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