


  • 片名:林荫大道
  • 状态:高清
  • 主演:让-皮埃尔·利奥德/Monique/Brienne/皮埃尔·蒙迪/
  • 导演:Julien/Duvivier/
  • 年份:1960
  • 地区:法国
  • 类型:剧情/喜剧/电影/
  • 评分:3.0分
  • 热度:939 ℃
  • 语言:法语
  • 时间:2024-05-31 02:30
  • 简介:Jojo has been living for a while in a room under the roof of a block of flats in Pigalle. He has chosen to le*e home since he realized his stepmother has hated him from day one. Among his many neighbors in the house is the gorgeous Jenny Dorr, a nightclub dancer,whose lover he dreams of being. But as the boy is only sixteen Jenny proves kind and motherly but that*s that. Worse, she bees the lover of Dicky, a mediocre boxer farting around in the Pigalle cafés. On the other hand, Jojo, who has no ine, must absolutely find work, all the more as he woos Marietta, one of his other neighbors, a young lady more suited to his age. Selling magazines works for a while but posing as Narcissus for two gay artists proves a disaster. When things go really awry, Jojo tries to mit ** by jumping off the roof of his house... Written by Guy Bellinger
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番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供电影《林荫大道》剧情概述:Jojo has been living for a while in a room under the roof of a block of flats in Pigalle. He has chosen to le*e home since he realized his stepmother has hated him from day one. Among his many neighbors in the house is the gorgeous Jenny Dorr, a nightclub dancer,whose lover he dreams of being. But as the boy is only sixteen Jenny proves kind and motherly but that*s that. Worse, she bees the lover of Dicky, a mediocre boxer farting around in the Pigalle cafés. On the other hand, Jojo, who has no ine, must absolutely find work, all the more as he woos Marietta, one of his other neighbors, a young lady more suited to his age. Selling magazines works for a while but posing as Narcissus for two gay artists proves a disaster. When things go really awry, Jojo tries to mit ** by jumping off the roof of his house... Written by Guy Bellinger




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