



  • 片名:如果今天建造第三季
  • 状态:全5集
  • 主演:Brian/Mitchell/
  • 导演:Bob/Daly/
  • 年份:2021
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:纪录片/综艺/
  • 评分:6.0分
  • 热度:190 ℃
  • 语言:英语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 03:49
  • 简介:Watch as architects, historians and engineers explore if modern day innovations could be applied to recreate iconic building projects, or if fundamental construction techniques h*e been lost to time.Episodes include…1. Empire State Building DecodedThe Empire State Building was the tallest building in the world for 40 years and constructed faster than any skyscraper in history; now, experts use cutting-edge engineering to discover if a new mega-tall tower could be built today at record speed.2. Rebuilding the Hoover DamThe Hoover Dam was an epic engineering experiment that created an oasis of American opportunity during the darkest decade of the 20th century; now, modern engineers believe reconstructing it may hold the secret solution to renewable energy innovation.3. Statue of Liberty SecretsThe Statue of Liberty is an artistic wonder of construction and the most famous symbol of freedom in the world; now, experts use cutting-edge engineering to reimage what America's greatest icon would look like rebuilt to record-breaking new heights.4. Fortress of SoundFor centuries, concert halls h*e been precisely designed and engineered to shape the best possible sound for acoustic performance; now, experts use state-of-the-art science to discover how the next generation of concert halls could be constructed.5. Secrets of StonehengeStonehenge is an astonishing achievement of ancient construction that continues to baffle engineers thousands of years later; now, experts use the latest science to discover the logistics behind erecting another legendary monument today.
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番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供综艺《如果今天建造第三季》剧情概述:Watch as architects, historians and engineers explore if modern day innovations could be applied to recreate iconic building projects, or if fundamental construction techniques h*e been lost to time.Episodes include…1. Empire State Building DecodedThe Empire State Building was the tallest building in the world for 40 years and constructed faster than any skyscraper in history; now, experts use cutting-edge engineering to discover if a new mega-tall tower could be built today at record speed.2. Rebuilding the Hoover DamThe Hoover Dam was an epic engineering experiment that created an oasis of American opportunity during the darkest decade of the 20th century; now, modern engineers believe reconstructing it may hold the secret solution to renewable energy innovation.3. Statue of Liberty SecretsThe Statue of Liberty is an artistic wonder of construction and the most famous symbol of freedom in the world; now, experts use cutting-edge engineering to reimage what America's greatest icon would look like rebuilt to record-breaking new heights.4. Fortress of SoundFor centuries, concert halls h*e been precisely designed and engineered to shape the best possible sound for acoustic performance; now, experts use state-of-the-art science to discover how the next generation of concert halls could be constructed.5. Secrets of StonehengeStonehenge is an astonishing achievement of ancient construction that continues to baffle engineers thousands of years later; now, experts use the latest science to discover the logistics behind erecting another legendary monument today.




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