


  • 片名:百慕大三角洲:被诅咒的水域
  • 状态:全6集
  • 主演:Rushmore/DeNooyer/David/O'Keefe/Wayne/Abbott/
  • 导演:未知
  • 年份:2022
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:纪录片/冒险/综艺/
  • 评分:1.0分
  • 热度:205 ℃
  • 语言:国语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 03:49
  • 简介:The Bermuda Triangle is the most notorious stretch of ocean in history, evoking fear and endless fascination. Bounded by Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico, these waters h*e swallowed countless ships and planes and their crews -- some vanishing without a trace. In 1945, five U.S. N*y planes disappeared on the same night, along with a search and rescue plane dispatched to find them. No wreckage was ever found. Reporters dug up accounts of other missing planes and ships, and stories of strange phenomena date back to the voyages of Columbus. Now, an elite team is investigating the Bermuda Triangle with the aid of a secret weapon -- a map, decades in the *, marking the location of unidentified undersea wrecks and anomalies. Each week they will attempt to identify one mystery wreck, along the way evaluating the evidence behind legends and scientific theories like rogue w*es, giant methane bubbles, ship-*ing whirlpools, and dead zones that bewilder equipment and planes. In the Bermuda Triangle, one never knows what one will find. On the ocean floor, the team makes historic and important discoveries that go beyond myth and conjecture.
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番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供综艺《百慕大三角洲:被诅咒的水域》剧情概述:The Bermuda Triangle is the most notorious stretch of ocean in history, evoking fear and endless fascination. Bounded by Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico, these waters h*e swallowed countless ships and planes and their crews -- some vanishing without a trace. In 1945, five U.S. N*y planes disappeared on the same night, along with a search and rescue plane dispatched to find them. No wreckage was ever found. Reporters dug up accounts of other missing planes and ships, and stories of strange phenomena date back to the voyages of Columbus. Now, an elite team is investigating the Bermuda Triangle with the aid of a secret weapon -- a map, decades in the *, marking the location of unidentified undersea wrecks and anomalies. Each week they will attempt to identify one mystery wreck, along the way evaluating the evidence behind legends and scientific theories like rogue w*es, giant methane bubbles, ship-*ing whirlpools, and dead zones that bewilder equipment and planes. In the Bermuda Triangle, one never knows what one will find. On the ocean floor, the team makes historic and important discoveries that go beyond myth and conjecture.




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