


  • 片名:苹果战争
  • 状态:正片
  • 主演:Per/Grundén/Sture/Ericson/伊冯·隆巴德/莫妮卡·泽特伦德/马克斯·冯·叙多夫/格斯塔·埃克曼/
  • 导演:Tage/Danielsson/
  • 年份:1971
  • 地区:瑞典
  • 类型:喜剧/电影/
  • 评分:10.0分
  • 热度:522 ℃
  • 语言:瑞典语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 05:04
  • 简介:Magical, timeless, hilarious spoof - A MUST SEE!!!, 19 March 2006Author: ea*t from United StatesI saw Appelgriget (The Apple War) in the 70's with a group of friends and everyone LOVED it. It's a magical, timeless spoof on the battle between innocent generosity and greedy ambition that typically leads to war. This bloodless war is hilarious and le*es the audience cheering with delight and satisfaction. A MUST SEE!!! Best movie ever! Though it is a classic, it sadly is un*ailable. I've been searching for years to see it again and share it with our kids and their friends. The Apple War would be a wonderful addition to any movie collection. Is there any chance this will be released on DVD with subtitles? It seems to h*e gotten lost in the Bermuda Triangle of movie classics, but as it is a timeless, funny masterpiece, it will hopefully become *ailable to a troubled world that could use a great laugh and a message of hope with just a touch of magic.
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番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供电影《苹果战争》剧情概述:Magical, timeless, hilarious spoof - A MUST SEE!!!, 19 March 2006Author: ea*t from United StatesI saw Appelgriget (The Apple War) in the 70's with a group of friends and everyone LOVED it. It's a magical, timeless spoof on the battle between innocent generosity and greedy ambition that typically leads to war. This bloodless war is hilarious and le*es the audience cheering with delight and satisfaction. A MUST SEE!!! Best movie ever! Though it is a classic, it sadly is un*ailable. I've been searching for years to see it again and share it with our kids and their friends. The Apple War would be a wonderful addition to any movie collection. Is there any chance this will be released on DVD with subtitles? It seems to h*e gotten lost in the Bermuda Triangle of movie classics, but as it is a timeless, funny masterpiece, it will hopefully become *ailable to a troubled world that could use a great laugh and a message of hope with just a touch of magic.




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