

Toto and His Sisters


  • 片名:托托和他的姐姐们
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:Hovarth/Ilie/Nicusor/Gabriel/Petre/安德烈·维奥莱塔·佩特/Ana-Maria/Badulescu/Petre/Siminica/Badulescu/Petre/Nicoleta/Ilie/Sile/Petre/Nicu/
  • 导演:亚历山大·讷讷乌/
  • 年份:2014
  • 地区:罗马尼亚/匈牙利/瑞士/加拿
  • 类型:纪录片/综艺/
  • 评分:10.0分
  • 热度:882 ℃
  • 语言:罗马尼亚语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 05:07
  • 简介:Toto and his two elder sisters come from a Roma family of junkies and drug dealers. Their troubled mother is again in prison, and little Toto is again waiting for her to come back. A tender, subtle observation of childhood, family relations and love. Non-sentimental and heartbreaking documentary.The camera is there when the fatherless Roma children visit their mother in prison. She’s been sentenced for selling drugs. It*s also there when the two uncles, who now h*e to look after young Toto (10) and his sisters Andreea (14) and Ana (17), shoot ** in their cramped apartment in Bucharest. And when Ana breaks her promise and starts using again.The documentary immerses us (without comment) in the intense life of Andreea in particular. Like a surrogate mother, she tries to keep Ana and Toto on the rails. Sometimes she expresses her feelings in front of the camera in a video diary.Hope comes from Romanian institutions: a training course that uses tolerance to help the semi-illiterate Andreea and completely illiterate Toto focus on the lessons; an orphanage that offers a safer h*en than the filthy drug den at home; and above all a hip-hop dance group that taps hidden talents in Toto. With Critics* Talk on Wed 28-1 in the lobby.
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    番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供综艺《托托和他的姐姐们》剧情概述:Toto and his two elder sisters come from a Roma family of junkies and drug dealers. Their troubled mother is again in prison, and little Toto is again waiting for her to come back. A tender, subtle observation of childhood, family relations and love. Non-sentimental and heartbreaking documentary.The camera is there when the fatherless Roma children visit their mother in prison. She’s been sentenced for selling drugs. It*s also there when the two uncles, who now h*e to look after young Toto (10) and his sisters Andreea (14) and Ana (17), shoot ** in their cramped apartment in Bucharest. And when Ana breaks her promise and starts using again.The documentary immerses us (without comment) in the intense life of Andreea in particular. Like a surrogate mother, she tries to keep Ana and Toto on the rails. Sometimes she expresses her feelings in front of the camera in a video diary.Hope comes from Romanian institutions: a training course that uses tolerance to help the semi-illiterate Andreea and completely illiterate Toto focus on the lessons; an orphanage that offers a safer h*en than the filthy drug den at home; and above all a hip-hop dance group that taps hidden talents in Toto. With Critics* Talk on Wed 28-1 in the lobby.




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