


  • 片名:美好的一天……
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:Philip/Scheffner/
  • 导演:Colorado/Velcu/Philip/Scheffner/
  • 年份:2016
  • 地区:德国
  • 类型:纪录片/综艺/
  • 评分:4.0分
  • 热度:179 ℃
  • 语言:罗曼语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 05:07
  • 简介:When the Velcu family left Romania to resettle in Germany, their filmmaker friends from Berlin were there to film their move. The family council welcomed their suggestion that a film be made about their new life. Colorado Velcu, the father of the family who has kept wonderful journals since his youth, was made co-director alongside Philip Scheffner, above all due to his knack for staging and his feel for the artistic talents of his children, nephews, sisters and brothers-in-law. Bollywood fans one and all, their story becomes a real life family saga – with its own theme song! There is the first Velcu to be born in Berlin, the painful farewell to relatives le*ing for Spain in pursuit of better financial prospects, the wife locked away in a distant Romanian prison – and the parks of Berlin become the bucolic setting for **oky picnics. How this Velcu saga came into being is a frequent topic of discussion among the participants, * this sometimes melancholy, sometimes hugely funny and charming film into an intelligent meta-movie about ethnographic film*, about media images and stereotypes about Roma families berlinale 2016
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    番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供综艺《美好的一天……》剧情概述:When the Velcu family left Romania to resettle in Germany, their filmmaker friends from Berlin were there to film their move. The family council welcomed their suggestion that a film be made about their new life. Colorado Velcu, the father of the family who has kept wonderful journals since his youth, was made co-director alongside Philip Scheffner, above all due to his knack for staging and his feel for the artistic talents of his children, nephews, sisters and brothers-in-law. Bollywood fans one and all, their story becomes a real life family saga – with its own theme song! There is the first Velcu to be born in Berlin, the painful farewell to relatives le*ing for Spain in pursuit of better financial prospects, the wife locked away in a distant Romanian prison – and the parks of Berlin become the bucolic setting for **oky picnics. How this Velcu saga came into being is a frequent topic of discussion among the participants, * this sometimes melancholy, sometimes hugely funny and charming film into an intelligent meta-movie about ethnographic film*, about media images and stereotypes about Roma families berlinale 2016




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