


  • 片名:程序媛爱达—计算机伯爵夫人
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:Hannah/Fry/
  • 导演:Nat/Sharman/
  • 年份:2015
  • 地区:英国
  • 类型:纪录片/综艺/
  • 评分:6.0分
  • 热度:81 ℃
  • 语言:英语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 05:07
  • 简介:Ada Lovelace was a most unlikely computer pioneer. In this film, Dr Hannah Fry tells the story of Ada*s remarkable life. Born in the early 19th century Ada was a countess of the realm, a scandalous socialite and an *enchantress of numbers*. The film is an enthralling tale of how a life infused with brilliance, but blighted by illness and gambling addiction, helped give rise to the modern era of computing.Hannah traces Ada*s unlikely union with the father of computers, Charles Babbage. Babbage designed the world*s first steam-powered computers - most famously the **ytical engine - but it was Ada who realised the full potential of these new machines. During her own lifetime Ada was most famous for being the daughter of romantic poet Lord Byron (*mad, bad and dangerous to know*). It was only with the a*ent of modern computing that Ada*s understanding of their flexibility and power (that they could be far more than mere number crunchers) was recognised as truly visionary. Hannah explores how Ada*s unique inheritance - poetic imagination and rational logic - made her the ideal prophet of the digital age.This moving, intelligent and beautiful film makes you realise we nearly had a Victorian computer revolution.
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    番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供综艺《程序媛爱达—计算机伯爵夫人》剧情概述:Ada Lovelace was a most unlikely computer pioneer. In this film, Dr Hannah Fry tells the story of Ada*s remarkable life. Born in the early 19th century Ada was a countess of the realm, a scandalous socialite and an *enchantress of numbers*. The film is an enthralling tale of how a life infused with brilliance, but blighted by illness and gambling addiction, helped give rise to the modern era of computing.Hannah traces Ada*s unlikely union with the father of computers, Charles Babbage. Babbage designed the world*s first steam-powered computers - most famously the **ytical engine - but it was Ada who realised the full potential of these new machines. During her own lifetime Ada was most famous for being the daughter of romantic poet Lord Byron (*mad, bad and dangerous to know*). It was only with the a*ent of modern computing that Ada*s understanding of their flexibility and power (that they could be far more than mere number crunchers) was recognised as truly visionary. Hannah explores how Ada*s unique inheritance - poetic imagination and rational logic - made her the ideal prophet of the digital age.This moving, intelligent and beautiful film makes you realise we nearly had a Victorian computer revolution.




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