

Vse Vertovy


  • 片名:维尔托夫的一切
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:Bernard/Eisenschitz/Andrew/Kaufman/Abaya/Kaufman/Annette/Michelson/西德尼·吕美特/鲍里斯·考夫曼/Mikhail/Kaufman/吉加·维尔托夫/
  • 导演:Vladimir/Nepevny/
  • 年份:2002
  • 地区:俄罗斯
  • 类型:纪录片/传记/综艺/
  • 评分:7.0分
  • 热度:597 ℃
  • 语言:俄语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 05:07
  • 简介:Vse Vertovy (*All The Vertovs*) is a 50 minute documentary about the Kaufman brothers* quest to change the cinema landscape.D*id, Mikhail and Boris. Three brothers worked their way into the history of world cinema. Senior, under the pseudonym of Dziga Vertov. The younger two, under his real name, Kaufman.Born D*id Kaufman, Vertov was a rabbi*s grandson and the eldest child of a semi-Russified bookseller; he grew up in Bialystok, a then mainly Jewish industrial city, hometown to the inventor of Esperanto, the universal language. Red October interrupted young D*id*s studies, diverting his ambition to be a Futurist noise-poet. Kaufman became *Dziga Vertov* (a Russian-Ukrainian amalgam meaning *spinning top,* or perhaps *permanent revolution*), boarding one of the Bolshevik agit-trains that, crisscrossing Russia throughout the Civil War, were moving film labs devoted to the * and showing of short *agitational* newsreels. In the manifesto-mad Moscow of the early *20s, Vertov formed the Kinok (Cinema Eye) group with his wife, Eliz*eta Svilova, and younger brother Mikhail Kaufman. (A third brother, Boris Kaufman, would go west to make movies with Jean Vigo and eventually win an Oscar for On the Waterfront.)
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    番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供综艺《维尔托夫的一切》剧情概述:Vse Vertovy (*All The Vertovs*) is a 50 minute documentary about the Kaufman brothers* quest to change the cinema landscape.D*id, Mikhail and Boris. Three brothers worked their way into the history of world cinema. Senior, under the pseudonym of Dziga Vertov. The younger two, under his real name, Kaufman.Born D*id Kaufman, Vertov was a rabbi*s grandson and the eldest child of a semi-Russified bookseller; he grew up in Bialystok, a then mainly Jewish industrial city, hometown to the inventor of Esperanto, the universal language. Red October interrupted young D*id*s studies, diverting his ambition to be a Futurist noise-poet. Kaufman became *Dziga Vertov* (a Russian-Ukrainian amalgam meaning *spinning top,* or perhaps *permanent revolution*), boarding one of the Bolshevik agit-trains that, crisscrossing Russia throughout the Civil War, were moving film labs devoted to the * and showing of short *agitational* newsreels. In the manifesto-mad Moscow of the early *20s, Vertov formed the Kinok (Cinema Eye) group with his wife, Eliz*eta Svilova, and younger brother Mikhail Kaufman. (A third brother, Boris Kaufman, would go west to make movies with Jean Vigo and eventually win an Oscar for On the Waterfront.)




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