


  • 片名:重力与我:塑造我们生活的力量
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:吉姆·艾尔-哈利利/Vicki/Smith/Graham/Appleby/Chris/Hadfield/Simon/Rea/Marek/Kukula/Joseph/Giaime/Sheila/Rowan/基普·索恩/
  • 导演:Andrew/Smith/
  • 年份:2017
  • 地区:英国
  • 类型:纪录片/综艺/
  • 评分:10.0分
  • 热度:252 ℃
  • 语言:英语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 05:08
  • 简介:Physics professor Jim Al-Khalili investigates the amazing science of gr*ity. A fundamental force of nature, gr*ity shapes our entire universe, sculpting galaxies and warping space and time. But gr*ity*s strange powers, discovered by Albert Einstein, also affect our daily lives in the most unexpected ways. As Jim tells the story of gr*ity, it challenges his own understanding of the nature of reality.The science of gr*ity includes the greatest a*ances in physics, and Jim recreates groundbreaking experiments in gr*ity including when the Italian genius Galileo first worked out how to measure it.Gr*ity science is still full of surprises and Jim investigates the latest breakthrough - *gr*ity w*es* - ripples in the vast emptiness of space. He also finds out from astronauts what it*s like to live without gr*ity.But gr*ity also directly affects all of us very personally - * a difference to our weight, height, posture and even the rate at which we age. With the help of volunteers and scientists, Jim sets out to find where in Britain gr*ity is weakest and so where we weigh the least. He also helps design a **artphone app that volunteers use to demonstrate how gr*ity affects time and makes us age at slightly different rates.And finally, Jim discovers that despite incredible progress, gr*ity has many secrets.
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    番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供综艺《重力与我:塑造我们生活的力量》剧情概述:Physics professor Jim Al-Khalili investigates the amazing science of gr*ity. A fundamental force of nature, gr*ity shapes our entire universe, sculpting galaxies and warping space and time. But gr*ity*s strange powers, discovered by Albert Einstein, also affect our daily lives in the most unexpected ways. As Jim tells the story of gr*ity, it challenges his own understanding of the nature of reality.The science of gr*ity includes the greatest a*ances in physics, and Jim recreates groundbreaking experiments in gr*ity including when the Italian genius Galileo first worked out how to measure it.Gr*ity science is still full of surprises and Jim investigates the latest breakthrough - *gr*ity w*es* - ripples in the vast emptiness of space. He also finds out from astronauts what it*s like to live without gr*ity.But gr*ity also directly affects all of us very personally - * a difference to our weight, height, posture and even the rate at which we age. With the help of volunteers and scientists, Jim sets out to find where in Britain gr*ity is weakest and so where we weigh the least. He also helps design a **artphone app that volunteers use to demonstrate how gr*ity affects time and makes us age at slightly different rates.And finally, Jim discovers that despite incredible progress, gr*ity has many secrets.




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