

Happy to Be Different


  • 片名:异爱同欢
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:未知
  • 导演:吉安尼·阿梅利奥/
  • 年份:2014
  • 地区:意大利
  • 类型:纪录片/综艺/
  • 评分:1.0分
  • 热度:846 ℃
  • 语言:意大利语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 05:10
  • 简介:An older gay couple in a city in northern Italy talk about their decades-long relationship. A man describes how he was physically abused by his father because of his **ual identity. Another, who had a high-flying career, recounts a **ually fulfilled life and mentions numerous homo**ual politicians. Gay men from across the social classes and regions of the country h*e their say and discuss the different conditions which determined gay life in Italy. Their stories recall isolation, discrimination, suffering and violence, but also reveal designs for a happy life. There is a disfiting and controversial discrepancy between the reality of the individual accounts and the media coverage. The latter often portrays gay people with a discriminatory irony or is manipulating and vitriolic, especially where intellectuals are concerned. With Felice chi è diverso, Gianni Amelio relates a gay history of Italy since fascist times. His anthropological study bees a cultural history of the country. His **ysis of social conditions is both moving and enraging and refuses to allow the audience to remain indifferent. (Berlinale 2014)
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    番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供综艺《异爱同欢》剧情概述:An older gay couple in a city in northern Italy talk about their decades-long relationship. A man describes how he was physically abused by his father because of his **ual identity. Another, who had a high-flying career, recounts a **ually fulfilled life and mentions numerous homo**ual politicians. Gay men from across the social classes and regions of the country h*e their say and discuss the different conditions which determined gay life in Italy. Their stories recall isolation, discrimination, suffering and violence, but also reveal designs for a happy life. There is a disfiting and controversial discrepancy between the reality of the individual accounts and the media coverage. The latter often portrays gay people with a discriminatory irony or is manipulating and vitriolic, especially where intellectuals are concerned. With Felice chi è diverso, Gianni Amelio relates a gay history of Italy since fascist times. His anthropological study bees a cultural history of the country. His **ysis of social conditions is both moving and enraging and refuses to allow the audience to remain indifferent. (Berlinale 2014)




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