

安娜·阿扎里的音符 / 穿越时间的镜子 / The Notes of Anna Azzori / A Mirror that Travels through Time / Uno specchio che viaggia nel tempo


  • 片名:安娜·阿佐里的注解:穿越时间之镜
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:Gemma/Vannuzzi/Mona/Abdel/Baky/Kheda/Durtaeva/Ljubica/Jaksic/Hannah/Morscher/Cordula/Rieger/Sidi/Robol/Kadisa/Seitinger/Alex/Smith/Alisha/Svestka/Livia/Szankowsky/Law/Wallner/Lia/Wilfing/
  • 导演:Constanze/Ruhm/
  • 年份:2020
  • 地区:奥地利/德国/法国
  • 类型:纪录片/综艺/
  • 评分:3.0分
  • 热度:332 ℃
  • 语言:德语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 05:14
  • 简介:Constanze Ruhm’s essay film revolves around another film: Anna by Alberto Grifi and Massimo Sarchielli (Berlinale Forum 1975). In the early 1970s, the two Italian directors found Anna Azzori, a drifter who needed money and help, on the Piazza N*ona in Rome. As they documented her unr*elling life, control over the process remained firmly in their hands. Starting with this material, Gli appunti di Anna Azzori constructs several clusters of ideas that are sometimes more, and sometimes less related to one another: *Everything is at once far away and very close,* we hear at one point. The leitmotif raises the question of the place of women and their struggles in a world that was full of discrimination at the time – and which still is today. The film uses interference noise, elaborate voiceovers, snowy images, characters who turn into trees, rocks or stars (and back again), river nymphs and young women at a casting call. It also features lots of archival material, including images from feminist demonstrations in Italy: *We are not afraid,* the demonstrators chanted at the time.
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    番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供综艺《安娜·阿佐里的注解:穿越时间之镜》剧情概述:Constanze Ruhm’s essay film revolves around another film: Anna by Alberto Grifi and Massimo Sarchielli (Berlinale Forum 1975). In the early 1970s, the two Italian directors found Anna Azzori, a drifter who needed money and help, on the Piazza N*ona in Rome. As they documented her unr*elling life, control over the process remained firmly in their hands. Starting with this material, Gli appunti di Anna Azzori constructs several clusters of ideas that are sometimes more, and sometimes less related to one another: *Everything is at once far away and very close,* we hear at one point. The leitmotif raises the question of the place of women and their struggles in a world that was full of discrimination at the time – and which still is today. The film uses interference noise, elaborate voiceovers, snowy images, characters who turn into trees, rocks or stars (and back again), river nymphs and young women at a casting call. It also features lots of archival material, including images from feminist demonstrations in Italy: *We are not afraid,* the demonstrators chanted at the time.




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