


  • 片名:欧洲王者:切尔西故事
  • 状态:全1集
  • 主演:迪迪埃·德罗巴/弗兰克·兰帕德/彼得·切赫/阿什利·科尔/加里·卡希尔/费尔南多·托雷斯/大卫·路易斯/胡安·马塔/
  • 导演:罗曼·阿布拉莫维奇/
  • 年份:2012
  • 地区:英国
  • 类型:纪录片/运动/综艺/
  • 评分:9.0分
  • 热度:403 ℃
  • 语言:英语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 05:16
  • 简介:Two Sunday news*s h*e quietly apologised to a woman who was the subject of a tabloid feeding frenzy earlier this year.Vanessa Perroncel was alleged in several *s to h*e had an affair with the Chelsea and England footballer John Terry. All sorts of personal and private information about Perroncel was published at the time, much it false.The first * to make amends was the Mail on Sunday. On page 18 of its 4 July issue, it carried a single, but significant, paragraph:On January 31, we published some personal information about Vanessa Perroncel concerning an alleged affair with the footballer John Terry. We h*e since been informed she would h*e preferred this to remain private and it was untrue in any case. We apologise to Miss Perroncel for any distress caused.On Sunday, a very similar apology appeared on page 18 of the News of the World, which can also be found on its website. It read:VANESSA PERRONCELOn January 31 and afterwards we published some personal information about Vanessa Perroncel in articles concerning an alleged affair with the footballer John Terry.Miss Perroncel has since informed us that she would h*e preferred her personal information to remain private and it was untrue in any case. We apologise to Miss Perroncel for any distress caused.These apologies are remarkable. Both *s not only own up to h*ing published private information but also admit it was inaccurate. They go a long way to vindicating Perroncel*s public statements about press mi**eh*iour.In April this year, after Perroncel*s lawyer sent letters warning of a possible action for breach of privacy to seven *s, I wrote:*Perroncel*s story of her dealings with these *s is a catalogue of intrusiveness, inaccuracy and innuendo that amounts to a full-frontal character assassination.*That followed an interview with Perroncel by Nick D*ies in which she told him:*It is like a nightmare. Every day you think: *What else are they going to say about me?* It is so intrusive and so false. Every day, so many lies – and then people * judgments because of the lies.*At the time, several menters to my blog poured scorn on both D*ies and myself for accepting Perroncel*s claims of news* distortion and lies.Now two *s h*e owned up and I wouldn*t be surprised if a third was on the verge of being pressured into doing the same.It is to Perroncel*s credit that she has pursued this matter over the intervening months. Rightly, The Guardian*s lawyer, Gill Phillips, recently mended her for speaking out.Note also the ments critical of the News of the World by its readers, especially one by Marian:*This is bizarre! Is the News of the World surprised that she would h*e preferred her private life to remain private? What exactly is the News of the World apologising for? Are they apologising for what they now accept were lies?*Bizarre? Sadly, it*s all too mon. But too few tabloid *victims* - especially female victims - ever obtain apologies.
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    番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供综艺《欧洲王者:切尔西故事》剧情概述:Two Sunday news*s h*e quietly apologised to a woman who was the subject of a tabloid feeding frenzy earlier this year.Vanessa Perroncel was alleged in several *s to h*e had an affair with the Chelsea and England footballer John Terry. All sorts of personal and private information about Perroncel was published at the time, much it false.The first * to make amends was the Mail on Sunday. On page 18 of its 4 July issue, it carried a single, but significant, paragraph:On January 31, we published some personal information about Vanessa Perroncel concerning an alleged affair with the footballer John Terry. We h*e since been informed she would h*e preferred this to remain private and it was untrue in any case. We apologise to Miss Perroncel for any distress caused.On Sunday, a very similar apology appeared on page 18 of the News of the World, which can also be found on its website. It read:VANESSA PERRONCELOn January 31 and afterwards we published some personal information about Vanessa Perroncel in articles concerning an alleged affair with the footballer John Terry.Miss Perroncel has since informed us that she would h*e preferred her personal information to remain private and it was untrue in any case. We apologise to Miss Perroncel for any distress caused.These apologies are remarkable. Both *s not only own up to h*ing published private information but also admit it was inaccurate. They go a long way to vindicating Perroncel*s public statements about press mi**eh*iour.In April this year, after Perroncel*s lawyer sent letters warning of a possible action for breach of privacy to seven *s, I wrote:*Perroncel*s story of her dealings with these *s is a catalogue of intrusiveness, inaccuracy and innuendo that amounts to a full-frontal character assassination.*That followed an interview with Perroncel by Nick D*ies in which she told him:*It is like a nightmare. Every day you think: *What else are they going to say about me?* It is so intrusive and so false. Every day, so many lies – and then people * judgments because of the lies.*At the time, several menters to my blog poured scorn on both D*ies and myself for accepting Perroncel*s claims of news* distortion and lies.Now two *s h*e owned up and I wouldn*t be surprised if a third was on the verge of being pressured into doing the same.It is to Perroncel*s credit that she has pursued this matter over the intervening months. Rightly, The Guardian*s lawyer, Gill Phillips, recently mended her for speaking out.Note also the ments critical of the News of the World by its readers, especially one by Marian:*This is bizarre! Is the News of the World surprised that she would h*e preferred her private life to remain private? What exactly is the News of the World apologising for? Are they apologising for what they now accept were lies?*Bizarre? Sadly, it*s all too mon. But too few tabloid *victims* - especially female victims - ever obtain apologies.




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