

Storm Over Europe


  • 片名:席卷欧洲的风暴:日耳曼部落迁移
  • 状态:全4集
  • 主演:Alastair/Duncan/
  • 导演:未知
  • 年份:2002
  • 地区:德国
  • 类型:纪录片/历史/综艺/
  • 评分:2.0分
  • 热度:306 ℃
  • 语言:英语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 05:19
  • 简介:History Documentary hosted by Alastair Duncan, published by ZDF in 2002 - English narration.This series deals with the mass migration of Germanic tribes at the very beginning of European history, when Rome raced toward collapse.Part 1: Cimbrians and TeutonsTo Roman eyes, the tribe they called the Cimbri, the Cimbrians, lived at the edge of the inhabited world, in Jutland. In 120 B. C., they and other Germanic tribes began a mass migration. Now through exc*ations we learn about these ancient tribes and their lives.Part 2: The Saga of the GothsThe Goths rocked the Roman Empire and wrote themselves into history. Who were these tribes from the north that ended the rule of Rome?Part 3: The Fall of RomeFor the people of the ancient world, the Huns were"the most feared of all warriors". Never before had people experienced such brutal fighting. The power of the mounted nomads became a threat to Rome, but other tribes were also on the move and headed to the center of a weakened empire.Part 4: The Heirs of RomeStarting in the fifth century A.D. the Franks migrated to France, the Anglo-Saxons to Britain, and the Goths to Spain and Italy. Europe and the Christian West grew out of their empires and their migrations.
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番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供综艺《席卷欧洲的风暴:日耳曼部落迁移》剧情概述:History Documentary hosted by Alastair Duncan, published by ZDF in 2002 - English narration.This series deals with the mass migration of Germanic tribes at the very beginning of European history, when Rome raced toward collapse.Part 1: Cimbrians and TeutonsTo Roman eyes, the tribe they called the Cimbri, the Cimbrians, lived at the edge of the inhabited world, in Jutland. In 120 B. C., they and other Germanic tribes began a mass migration. Now through exc*ations we learn about these ancient tribes and their lives.Part 2: The Saga of the GothsThe Goths rocked the Roman Empire and wrote themselves into history. Who were these tribes from the north that ended the rule of Rome?Part 3: The Fall of RomeFor the people of the ancient world, the Huns were"the most feared of all warriors". Never before had people experienced such brutal fighting. The power of the mounted nomads became a threat to Rome, but other tribes were also on the move and headed to the center of a weakened empire.Part 4: The Heirs of RomeStarting in the fifth century A.D. the Franks migrated to France, the Anglo-Saxons to Britain, and the Goths to Spain and Italy. Europe and the Christian West grew out of their empires and their migrations.




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