


  • 片名:喋喋人生第一季
  • 状态:高清
  • 主演:阿兰·本奈特/斯蒂芬妮·科尔/索拉·赫德/帕特里夏·劳特利奇/玛吉·史密斯/朱丽·沃特斯/Steven/Beard/
  • 导演:阿兰·本奈特/
  • 年份:1988
  • 地区:英国
  • 类型:剧情/电视/
  • 评分:6.0分
  • 热度:853 ℃
  • 语言:英语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 05:21
  • 简介:Irritated by a di**issive use of the phrase *talking heads* to describe the most boring parts of the schedule, Alan Bennett set out to restore the monologue – which had bee associated with music hall or stand-up edy – to the heart of TV drama. Patricia Routledge as a dying office busybody in A Woman of No Importance (1982) was effectively a pilot for two later series of six, which included Maggie Smith as an incredulous vicar*s wife and Thora Hird as two differently stricken widows. With rare and economic shifts of perspective, the direction focused attention on the ­actor*s face and voice and the author*s extraordinary ear for the shading and shaping of an anecdote. Playing Sandwiches, in which D*id Haig portrays a park-keeper, begins on a deceptive note of Bennettian nostalgia – *I was in the * shop this dinnertime getting some liquorice allsorts* – but develops into a daring attempt to enter the head of a paedophile. In an era when ­senior actresses h*e ­plained about the shortage of decent parts, Bennett provided 11 peak-time roles for older women. By 2008, when ­EastEnders g*e Dot ­Cotton a solo ­episode ­indebted to ­Talking Heads, it was clear how right the quietly pioneering Bennett had been to ignore television prejudice.
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番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供连续剧《喋喋人生第一季》剧情概述:Irritated by a di**issive use of the phrase *talking heads* to describe the most boring parts of the schedule, Alan Bennett set out to restore the monologue – which had bee associated with music hall or stand-up edy – to the heart of TV drama. Patricia Routledge as a dying office busybody in A Woman of No Importance (1982) was effectively a pilot for two later series of six, which included Maggie Smith as an incredulous vicar*s wife and Thora Hird as two differently stricken widows. With rare and economic shifts of perspective, the direction focused attention on the ­actor*s face and voice and the author*s extraordinary ear for the shading and shaping of an anecdote. Playing Sandwiches, in which D*id Haig portrays a park-keeper, begins on a deceptive note of Bennettian nostalgia – *I was in the * shop this dinnertime getting some liquorice allsorts* – but develops into a daring attempt to enter the head of a paedophile. In an era when ­senior actresses h*e ­plained about the shortage of decent parts, Bennett provided 11 peak-time roles for older women. By 2008, when ­EastEnders g*e Dot ­Cotton a solo ­episode ­indebted to ­Talking Heads, it was clear how right the quietly pioneering Bennett had been to ignore television prejudice.




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