


  • 片名:三颗月亮下的小镇
  • 状态:高清
  • 主演:伊丽莎白·麦戈文/Teresa/Celentano/Sam/Murphy/
  • 导演:詹姆斯·弗劳利/Michael/DeCarlo/
  • 年份:2006
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:喜剧/奇幻/电视/
  • 评分:8.0分
  • 热度:152 ℃
  • 语言:英语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 05:22
  • 简介:Episode Guide: 前六集导览: EP01:Premiere A meteor has blasted the moon into three pieces. Now the people of Milford are living like there*s no tomorrow, which means they*re acting pretty peculiar. Newer Laura D*is is trying to live an ordinary life as a single mom to her two teenagers, but it*s not easy when everyone around her is being anything but normal. 自从月亮被流星撕成三片之后,米尔福特小镇上的人们过着仿佛明天就是世界末日的生活,简单的说就是小镇上的人们过着非常Chaos的生活。劳拉是个有两个小鬼的单身母亲,她竭力想在这个Chaos的小镇上过上正常的生活,当然,这相当的不容易... EP02:Shoot The Moon Even though they*ve been thrown out of their house and into a yurt, the D*ises try to maintain some normalcy. Lydia and Alex start at their new school and Laura begins working at Mack*s law office. Mack represents Harris Hunsicker, the town grouch, in a land dispute that ends in a duel, and Alex finds the D*ises another place to live, right next to Claire. Will it be too close for fort? 因为第一集中的小女儿Lydia玩Witch的game把高等大学给烧了,劳拉他们一家不得不搬出原来的家。劳拉还是竭力去维持她的正常生活。劳拉在马克的律师事务所工作,而丽蝶儿和亚历克斯则开始了他们新的高等大学生活。他们新的住处和可莱儿(就是那个亚裔的可爱女孩儿)家只一墙之隔... 可爱的可莱儿... EP03:Moonstruck It*s a triple full moon which means double trouble for the citizens of Milford. Laura feels pangs of jealousy when an old flame returns to spark Mack*s interest. Alex faces relationship woes with Claire, and Lydia falls for a boy who isn*t what he seems. With romance reaching a fever pitch no one is immune, not even all-business Michelle who tangles with a business associate in more ways than one. 三重满月对于米尔福特的居民来说,就是双重麻烦的意思。 这一集主要说的是那一家三口各自的感情问题... EP04:Moon Giver A local millionaire offers Laura an indecent proposal that could s*e the school unless his wife gets her way. Mack and Sarah Louise pick up where they left off, but will the sudden appearance of her son Jonah squelch their rekindled flame? Lydia goes with Jonah to a meeting of a group called *The Path,* much to Kurt*s chagrin, and after a humiliating episode involving German techno and a puter camera, Alex hops into a strange girl*s camper headed for Alaska. 一个百万富翁为劳拉提供了重建高等大学的一大笔资金,因为如果他不这么做,他的内子也会那么做... EP05:Dog Day Aftermoon Laura is part of a hostage situation when a mild-mannered bank employee tries to nab a fortune, but with Mack*s help, she devises a surprising plan to s*e the day. Meanwhile, Alex experiences a first and discovers that his tr*eling panion is keeping a big secret on ice. With crisis *erted, Laura and Mack begin to realize how much they mean to each other, and Alex heads back to Milford after deciding that home really is where he wants to be. ....前面一大段危机剧情省略,这集的结局是,这场危机过后,劳拉和马克突然意思到对方对自己的重要性,而离家出走的亚历克斯也回到了米尔福特,因为他觉得家还是他想待的地方。 EP06:Wrestlemoonia Mack*s high school rival returns to Milford for a wrestling rematch. He says it*s to set the record straight but Mack begins to wonder if he*s not after something else besides glory… namely Sarah Louise or Laura. Alex returns a changed man and he*s determined to change things around the house. For one, he*s quitting school and secondly he*s going to work for none other than Michelle Graybar. Meanwhile, Lydia sees another side of Jonah. 马克的高中竞争对手为一场摔跤赛重反米尔福特。他说要创个什么纪录,马克觉得这家伙只是为了满足虚荣心而已..换句话说,可能只是为了吸引莎拉·露易丝或者是劳拉的注意而已。重回小镇的亚历克斯看起来完全是个洗心革面后的好男子——他准备退学然后去找份工作;另一方面,丽蝶儿也终于发现了两面三刀的Jonah(第三集中出现的某人)的另一面
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番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供连续剧《三颗月亮下的小镇》剧情概述:Episode Guide: 前六集导览: EP01:Premiere A meteor has blasted the moon into three pieces. Now the people of Milford are living like there*s no tomorrow, which means they*re acting pretty peculiar. Newer Laura D*is is trying to live an ordinary life as a single mom to her two teenagers, but it*s not easy when everyone around her is being anything but normal. 自从月亮被流星撕成三片之后,米尔福特小镇上的人们过着仿佛明天就是世界末日的生活,简单的说就是小镇上的人们过着非常Chaos的生活。劳拉是个有两个小鬼的单身母亲,她竭力想在这个Chaos的小镇上过上正常的生活,当然,这相当的不容易... EP02:Shoot The Moon Even though they*ve been thrown out of their house and into a yurt, the D*ises try to maintain some normalcy. Lydia and Alex start at their new school and Laura begins working at Mack*s law office. Mack represents Harris Hunsicker, the town grouch, in a land dispute that ends in a duel, and Alex finds the D*ises another place to live, right next to Claire. Will it be too close for fort? 因为第一集中的小女儿Lydia玩Witch的game把高等大学给烧了,劳拉他们一家不得不搬出原来的家。劳拉还是竭力去维持她的正常生活。劳拉在马克的律师事务所工作,而丽蝶儿和亚历克斯则开始了他们新的高等大学生活。他们新的住处和可莱儿(就是那个亚裔的可爱女孩儿)家只一墙之隔... 可爱的可莱儿... EP03:Moonstruck It*s a triple full moon which means double trouble for the citizens of Milford. Laura feels pangs of jealousy when an old flame returns to spark Mack*s interest. Alex faces relationship woes with Claire, and Lydia falls for a boy who isn*t what he seems. With romance reaching a fever pitch no one is immune, not even all-business Michelle who tangles with a business associate in more ways than one. 三重满月对于米尔福特的居民来说,就是双重麻烦的意思。 这一集主要说的是那一家三口各自的感情问题... EP04:Moon Giver A local millionaire offers Laura an indecent proposal that could s*e the school unless his wife gets her way. Mack and Sarah Louise pick up where they left off, but will the sudden appearance of her son Jonah squelch their rekindled flame? Lydia goes with Jonah to a meeting of a group called *The Path,* much to Kurt*s chagrin, and after a humiliating episode involving German techno and a puter camera, Alex hops into a strange girl*s camper headed for Alaska. 一个百万富翁为劳拉提供了重建高等大学的一大笔资金,因为如果他不这么做,他的内子也会那么做... EP05:Dog Day Aftermoon Laura is part of a hostage situation when a mild-mannered bank employee tries to nab a fortune, but with Mack*s help, she devises a surprising plan to s*e the day. Meanwhile, Alex experiences a first and discovers that his tr*eling panion is keeping a big secret on ice. With crisis *erted, Laura and Mack begin to realize how much they mean to each other, and Alex heads back to Milford after deciding that home really is where he wants to be. ....前面一大段危机剧情省略,这集的结局是,这场危机过后,劳拉和马克突然意思到对方对自己的重要性,而离家出走的亚历克斯也回到了米尔福特,因为他觉得家还是他想待的地方。 EP06:Wrestlemoonia Mack*s high school rival returns to Milford for a wrestling rematch. He says it*s to set the record straight but Mack begins to wonder if he*s not after something else besides glory… namely Sarah Louise or Laura. Alex returns a changed man and he*s determined to change things around the house. For one, he*s quitting school and secondly he*s going to work for none other than Michelle Graybar. Meanwhile, Lydia sees another side of Jonah. 马克的高中竞争对手为一场摔跤赛重反米尔福特。他说要创个什么纪录,马克觉得这家伙只是为了满足虚荣心而已..换句话说,可能只是为了吸引莎拉·露易丝或者是劳拉的注意而已。重回小镇的亚历克斯看起来完全是个洗心革面后的好男子——他准备退学然后去找份工作;另一方面,丽蝶儿也终于发现了两面三刀的Jonah(第三集中出现的某人)的另一面




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