



  • 片名:美洲豹的失落之地
  • 状态:高清
  • 主演:未知
  • 导演:未知
  • 年份:2008
  • 地区:英国
  • 类型:剧情/电视/
  • 评分:4.0分
  • 热度:526 ℃
  • 语言:英语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 05:23
  • 简介:一个国际探险小队,科学家协同电影摄制组揭秘了栖息于圭亚那胜地的动物以及生态环境,这个到访者屈指可数的失落之地...(简介转自qcx2)InformationSeries combining stunning wildlife with high octane a*enture as a team of explorers search the depths of the last great unspoilt jungle on the planet.Part 1:Cameras follow the team every sweaty step of the way as they explore the beautiful wilderness of Guyana, from abseiling down one of the most powerful wate*lls in the world to climbing to the very top of the rainforest trees. Known as the land of giants, Guyana is home to the huge anaconda, the world*s largest tarantula and giant otters.Part 2:The team pushes further into the jungle wilderness, searching for unusual and endangered animals that live there. Base camp is invaded by scorpions and poisonous centipedes, while Gordon Buchanan discovers an animal thief helping itself to base camp supplies.Part 3:Steve Backshall and the climbing team struggle to reach the summit of a huge unscaled tabletop mountain on the edge of the forest. The team live rough on the summit, searching for new species and scientific discoveries. Justine Evans searches for giant anteater, while George and Gordon struggle up a remote jungle river
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番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供连续剧《美洲豹的失落之地》剧情概述:一个国际探险小队,科学家协同电影摄制组揭秘了栖息于圭亚那胜地的动物以及生态环境,这个到访者屈指可数的失落之地...(简介转自qcx2)InformationSeries combining stunning wildlife with high octane a*enture as a team of explorers search the depths of the last great unspoilt jungle on the planet.Part 1:Cameras follow the team every sweaty step of the way as they explore the beautiful wilderness of Guyana, from abseiling down one of the most powerful wate*lls in the world to climbing to the very top of the rainforest trees. Known as the land of giants, Guyana is home to the huge anaconda, the world*s largest tarantula and giant otters.Part 2:The team pushes further into the jungle wilderness, searching for unusual and endangered animals that live there. Base camp is invaded by scorpions and poisonous centipedes, while Gordon Buchanan discovers an animal thief helping itself to base camp supplies.Part 3:Steve Backshall and the climbing team struggle to reach the summit of a huge unscaled tabletop mountain on the edge of the forest. The team live rough on the summit, searching for new species and scientific discoveries. Justine Evans searches for giant anteater, while George and Gordon struggle up a remote jungle river




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