


  • 片名:8天
  • 状态:高清
  • 主演:Burcu/Biricik/Bugra/Gülsoy/Hakan/Kurtas/
  • 导演:Çagri/Vila/Lostuvali/
  • 年份:2018
  • 地区:土耳其
  • 类型:剧情/动作/犯罪/电视/
  • 评分:10.0分
  • 热度:656 ℃
  • 语言:土耳其语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 05:23
  • 简介:College student Bahar is a clever, lively and a cheerful girl. She is grown in wealth. While leading a happy life with her hu**and one day everything turns upside down. Her mother Sehnaz who had been working in the company called Lotus as a software engineer is killed. Bahar is scattered from her safe life to a dark world. The people who killed her mother are somehow after Bahar now. Bahar tries to stay alive while trying to solve the mystery behind her mother*s death. Her paths cross with an unexpected person during her a*enture full of surprises. She has to cooperate with Hayati, a former mafia who has blood on his hands. In time this obligation turns in to an unexpected bond between them. This bond is literally like a clash of two different worlds. Thanks to Bahar, Hayati discovers the goodness in him while Bahar confronts her dark side. Now Bahar and Hayati h*e a common goal; Sehnaz. Bahar will get her hands dirty while Hayati cleans his dirty life. In her path with Hayati she ...
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番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供连续剧《8天》剧情概述:College student Bahar is a clever, lively and a cheerful girl. She is grown in wealth. While leading a happy life with her hu**and one day everything turns upside down. Her mother Sehnaz who had been working in the company called Lotus as a software engineer is killed. Bahar is scattered from her safe life to a dark world. The people who killed her mother are somehow after Bahar now. Bahar tries to stay alive while trying to solve the mystery behind her mother*s death. Her paths cross with an unexpected person during her a*enture full of surprises. She has to cooperate with Hayati, a former mafia who has blood on his hands. In time this obligation turns in to an unexpected bond between them. This bond is literally like a clash of two different worlds. Thanks to Bahar, Hayati discovers the goodness in him while Bahar confronts her dark side. Now Bahar and Hayati h*e a common goal; Sehnaz. Bahar will get her hands dirty while Hayati cleans his dirty life. In her path with Hayati she ...




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