

The Octopus Season 4


  • 片名:出生入死第四季
  • 状态:高清
  • 主演:米凯莱·普拉奇多/帕特丽夏·米拉德/雷莫·吉罗内/
  • 导演:路易吉·佩雷利/
  • 年份:1989
  • 地区:法国
  • 类型:剧情/悬疑/犯罪/电视/
  • 评分:5.0分
  • 热度:816 ℃
  • 语言:意大利语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 05:25
  • 简介:A couple of years h*e passed since Corrado Cattani and Giulia Antinari broke up; during this time, Giulia died in an accident (that might or might not h*e been planned by Tano) and Corrado has lived alone in a place when he can be guarded 24/7. A new investigation brings him face to face with his old enemy Tano Carridi again: at a reception organized by the Antinari bank, a casino owner named Tindari,someone with close connections to the mafia, is brutally murdered.It turns out that the asassin, Salvatore Frolo,had personal reasons to mit the murder: back in Sicilia, many years ago,Tindari had killed his wife and daughter. While Corrado investigates the case with the help of judge Silvia Conti and journalist D*ide Faeti,hoping to find more about the mafia*s involvement in Tindari*s casino business, Tano has three main points on his agenda: 1.Get Greta Antinari*s custody in order to h*e total control over the Antinari bank; 2. Invest mafia money into a huge corporation called *International Insurances*, the first step towards taking over the pany being a convenient marriage with the *Insurances* manager*s daughter, Ester Rasi; 3. Get rid of Cattani once and for all...
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番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供连续剧《出生入死第四季》剧情概述:A couple of years h*e passed since Corrado Cattani and Giulia Antinari broke up; during this time, Giulia died in an accident (that might or might not h*e been planned by Tano) and Corrado has lived alone in a place when he can be guarded 24/7. A new investigation brings him face to face with his old enemy Tano Carridi again: at a reception organized by the Antinari bank, a casino owner named Tindari,someone with close connections to the mafia, is brutally murdered.It turns out that the asassin, Salvatore Frolo,had personal reasons to mit the murder: back in Sicilia, many years ago,Tindari had killed his wife and daughter. While Corrado investigates the case with the help of judge Silvia Conti and journalist D*ide Faeti,hoping to find more about the mafia*s involvement in Tindari*s casino business, Tano has three main points on his agenda: 1.Get Greta Antinari*s custody in order to h*e total control over the Antinari bank; 2. Invest mafia money into a huge corporation called *International Insurances*, the first step towards taking over the pany being a convenient marriage with the *Insurances* manager*s daughter, Ester Rasi; 3. Get rid of Cattani once and for all...




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