

海魂 第二季 / 护滩使者 第二季 / 生死海滩 第二季 / 海岸救生队 第二季 / 海滩护卫队 第二季


  • 片名:海滩救护队第二季
  • 状态:高清
  • 主演:大卫·哈塞尔霍夫/比利·沃拉克/埃丽卡·埃伦尼克/
  • 导演:格雷戈里·J·博纳/
  • 年份:1991
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:剧情/动作/冒险/电视/
  • 评分:6.0分
  • 热度:528 ℃
  • 语言:英语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 05:25
  • 简介:While rowing out in the ocean, Mitch rescues an underwater photographer, named Linda, floating on some wreckage. Linda*s somewhat disjointed, frantic story about something attacking her in an underwater c*e which killed her partner and destroyed her boat is misconstructed by Kay Morgan, an ambitious, publicity seeking news* reporter, who creates a media frenzy by starting rumors about a *creature in the bay.* Harvey Miller, the new lifeguard and prankster, benefits from the events by selling undersea creature T-shirts. Meanwhile, Shauni rescues a young girl from drowning and soon becomes compelled to rescue the girl, her brother and their mother from the life they live in the slums of South-Central L.A., much to Eddie*s chagrin. While Shauni deals with her possessive father who disapproves of her lifeguard job, Mitch also pressures Captain Thorp to ask for funding for new a*anced motorboats, called Scarabs, for the team.
  • 关注公众号观影不迷路

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番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供连续剧《海滩救护队第二季》剧情概述:While rowing out in the ocean, Mitch rescues an underwater photographer, named Linda, floating on some wreckage. Linda*s somewhat disjointed, frantic story about something attacking her in an underwater c*e which killed her partner and destroyed her boat is misconstructed by Kay Morgan, an ambitious, publicity seeking news* reporter, who creates a media frenzy by starting rumors about a *creature in the bay.* Harvey Miller, the new lifeguard and prankster, benefits from the events by selling undersea creature T-shirts. Meanwhile, Shauni rescues a young girl from drowning and soon becomes compelled to rescue the girl, her brother and their mother from the life they live in the slums of South-Central L.A., much to Eddie*s chagrin. While Shauni deals with her possessive father who disapproves of her lifeguard job, Mitch also pressures Captain Thorp to ask for funding for new a*anced motorboats, called Scarabs, for the team.




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