


  • 片名:风雨娉婷
  • 状态:4集
  • 主演:瓦莱丽·伯提内莉/巴瑞·波斯威克/弗兰西丝卡·安妮丝/
  • 导演:道格拉斯·希考克斯/
  • 年份:1987
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:剧情/电视/
  • 评分:1.0分
  • 热度:572 ℃
  • 语言:英语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 05:29
  • 简介:中文概要 by LIN-14 (来源 天涯社区)她的父亲是出版界大亨,她的母亲和小叔有染,她的小叔本来娶了个富家女,可惜因为又和他妻子的妹妹乱搞,结果和她母亲通*的时候被他妻子的妹妹发现了,他妻子的妹妹嫉妒,就寄了她小叔和她母亲通*的照片给自己的姐姐,他妻子就*了,她的小叔也被富翁赶了出去,最后杀掉了自己的哥哥,娶了她的母亲。可惜因为他戴错了她父亲也就是自己哥哥的项链,结果被她母亲发现,报警被抓了……其实上面说的全是配角……主角是出版业大亨的女儿,她的头发天生有一掠是白色的,她17岁的时候爱上父亲公司里的编辑,编辑已经有女朋友了,她为了得到他,自己跑去上别人的*,而且骗编辑自己已经成年了,19岁……后来她和编辑结婚,生了个女儿就很快分手,然后专心自己的事业,最后决定出一本杂志叫《BB》,可是找不到好编辑,就打电话给前夫,说他们13岁的女儿再吃避孕*,需要见面谈话……于是一本成功的杂志就诞生了,他们也复婚了。我印象最深的就是她爱赌马,但是她只知道一匹马,就是白雪公主,百赌百赢,没有输过……我觉得女主角是那种非常特殊的人,她其实很像她的叔叔,只不过她的叔叔不择手段失败了,她却总是成功这个片子是根据小说改编的,小说在某期的《译林》有……获Emmy奖提名This is the story of Maxi Amberville and her attempt to s*e her father's empire from her uncle. It begins when Maxi Amberville's father, Zachary is found at the bottom of a cliff and dies later. Five months later, Maxi and her siblings learn that there is a board meeting that they were not informed of. They discover that their Cutter, Zachary's brother is not only in charge but has just married their mother. And also that Cutter has decided to cease operations on four magazines that h*e been in the red. When Maxi learns of his she threatens to reveal to her mother some of skeletons in Cutter's closet, unless he allows her to take charge of one of the magazines that he plans to close and if she can make it get into the black, the others will remain in operation. Then the story shifts to when Zachary returned from WW2, a hero, and his family is fawning all over him, which le*es Cutter pretty much out, which is the reason for the animosity between them. Zachary then goes to New York to begin his work, he eventually starts his own magazine. And before long he has several magazines under his belt, and he also finds the love of his Nina, but she rejects his marriage proposal. He then goes to England and meets Lily an aspiring dancer but when she is rejected, she decides to accept Zachary's proposal. They h*e two children Toby and Maxi. Now Zachary fawns all over Maxi, which sometimes Lily feels is too much, and when Toby is diagnosed as h*ing a condition that will eventually le*e him blind, things begin to unr*el. She then has an affair with Cutter, who clearly is just using her to get at Zachary. Maxi would grow up to be daddy's girl, who throws herslf at Rocco Cipriani, a man who works for her father, and when she gets pregnant, they marry but divorce when Maxi clearly cannot survive without the lifestyle that her father provided for her. She would marry two more times. Eventually Zachary becomes aware of not only Cutter's affair with Lily but also of other machinations, he then cuts himself off from, which only fuels Cutter's hate for him.Summary written by {[email protected]}
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番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供连续剧《风雨娉婷》剧情概述:中文概要 by LIN-14 (来源 天涯社区)她的父亲是出版界大亨,她的母亲和小叔有染,她的小叔本来娶了个富家女,可惜因为又和他妻子的妹妹乱搞,结果和她母亲通*的时候被他妻子的妹妹发现了,他妻子的妹妹嫉妒,就寄了她小叔和她母亲通*的照片给自己的姐姐,他妻子就*了,她的小叔也被富翁赶了出去,最后杀掉了自己的哥哥,娶了她的母亲。可惜因为他戴错了她父亲也就是自己哥哥的项链,结果被她母亲发现,报警被抓了……其实上面说的全是配角……主角是出版业大亨的女儿,她的头发天生有一掠是白色的,她17岁的时候爱上父亲公司里的编辑,编辑已经有女朋友了,她为了得到他,自己跑去上别人的*,而且骗编辑自己已经成年了,19岁……后来她和编辑结婚,生了个女儿就很快分手,然后专心自己的事业,最后决定出一本杂志叫《BB》,可是找不到好编辑,就打电话给前夫,说他们13岁的女儿再吃避孕*,需要见面谈话……于是一本成功的杂志就诞生了,他们也复婚了。我印象最深的就是她爱赌马,但是她只知道一匹马,就是白雪公主,百赌百赢,没有输过……我觉得女主角是那种非常特殊的人,她其实很像她的叔叔,只不过她的叔叔不择手段失败了,她却总是成功这个片子是根据小说改编的,小说在某期的《译林》有……获Emmy奖提名This is the story of Maxi Amberville and her attempt to s*e her father's empire from her uncle. It begins when Maxi Amberville's father, Zachary is found at the bottom of a cliff and dies later. Five months later, Maxi and her siblings learn that there is a board meeting that they were not informed of. They discover that their Cutter, Zachary's brother is not only in charge but has just married their mother. And also that Cutter has decided to cease operations on four magazines that h*e been in the red. When Maxi learns of his she threatens to reveal to her mother some of skeletons in Cutter's closet, unless he allows her to take charge of one of the magazines that he plans to close and if she can make it get into the black, the others will remain in operation. Then the story shifts to when Zachary returned from WW2, a hero, and his family is fawning all over him, which le*es Cutter pretty much out, which is the reason for the animosity between them. Zachary then goes to New York to begin his work, he eventually starts his own magazine. And before long he has several magazines under his belt, and he also finds the love of his Nina, but she rejects his marriage proposal. He then goes to England and meets Lily an aspiring dancer but when she is rejected, she decides to accept Zachary's proposal. They h*e two children Toby and Maxi. Now Zachary fawns all over Maxi, which sometimes Lily feels is too much, and when Toby is diagnosed as h*ing a condition that will eventually le*e him blind, things begin to unr*el. She then has an affair with Cutter, who clearly is just using her to get at Zachary. Maxi would grow up to be daddy's girl, who throws herslf at Rocco Cipriani, a man who works for her father, and when she gets pregnant, they marry but divorce when Maxi clearly cannot survive without the lifestyle that her father provided for her. She would marry two more times. Eventually Zachary becomes aware of not only Cutter's affair with Lily but also of other machinations, he then cuts himself off from, which only fuels Cutter's hate for him.Summary written by {[email protected]}




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