

The Kingdom of Naples / Nel regno di Napoli / Neapolitanische Geschichten


  • 片名:那不勒斯王国
  • 状态:高清
  • 主演:Liana/Trouche/Antonio/Orlando/雷娜塔·扎明戈/迪诺·梅莱/玛格瑞斯·克莱蒙/Raúl/Gimenez/Cristina/Donadio/Gerardo/D'Andrea/伊妲·迪·贝尼代托/Patrizio/Rispo/Maria/Antonietta/Riegel/Laura/Sodano/Percy/Hogan/Tiziana/Ambretti/Romeo/Giro/
  • 导演:沃纳·施罗德/
  • 年份:1978
  • 地区:意大利
  • 类型:剧情/电影/
  • 评分:10.0分
  • 热度:518 ℃
  • 语言:意大利语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 05:36
  • 简介:Nel Regno di Napoli, Schroeter*s own voyage to Italy, has the appearance of something much more straightforward, hewing closely to a postwar timeline (actually marked and measured by emblematic intertitle cut-ins announcing the year, acpanied by radio bulletin-like narration updating us on the historical/social/political context) as it tells the story of little Vittoria (played as an ** by Cristina Donadino), born to a poor family in a rough neighborhood of Naples at the end of the war, whose fate, as she grows from impoverished girlhood to *success* as an airline stewardess in the 1970s, provides our dramatic pass through a living, clear-eyed history book, enpassing a whole microco** of Neapolitan life in the turbulent, industrializing decades after the war: A brother, Massimo (Antonio Orlando) earnestly and diligently devoted to the promise of a better, fairer future for the oppressed workers held out by the Communist *; a pretty, naïve, ill-fated French prostitute; the Spanish War veteran who bees their local C.P. leader, and his wife, more pragmatic and lurking in the ideological gray area by buying rationed necessities on the ultra-capitalist black market; the turncoat bourgeois attorney who sells out his working-class neighbors for his tacky, impossible dreams of the good life; and the operatically evil heiress/factory boss lady (Ida Di Benedetto) whose clutches Massimo fights to neutralize, but whom Vittoria ultimately just wants to escape any ideologically-impure way she can.
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番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供电影《那不勒斯王国》剧情概述:Nel Regno di Napoli, Schroeter*s own voyage to Italy, has the appearance of something much more straightforward, hewing closely to a postwar timeline (actually marked and measured by emblematic intertitle cut-ins announcing the year, acpanied by radio bulletin-like narration updating us on the historical/social/political context) as it tells the story of little Vittoria (played as an ** by Cristina Donadino), born to a poor family in a rough neighborhood of Naples at the end of the war, whose fate, as she grows from impoverished girlhood to *success* as an airline stewardess in the 1970s, provides our dramatic pass through a living, clear-eyed history book, enpassing a whole microco** of Neapolitan life in the turbulent, industrializing decades after the war: A brother, Massimo (Antonio Orlando) earnestly and diligently devoted to the promise of a better, fairer future for the oppressed workers held out by the Communist *; a pretty, naïve, ill-fated French prostitute; the Spanish War veteran who bees their local C.P. leader, and his wife, more pragmatic and lurking in the ideological gray area by buying rationed necessities on the ultra-capitalist black market; the turncoat bourgeois attorney who sells out his working-class neighbors for his tacky, impossible dreams of the good life; and the operatically evil heiress/factory boss lady (Ida Di Benedetto) whose clutches Massimo fights to neutralize, but whom Vittoria ultimately just wants to escape any ideologically-impure way she can.




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