


  • 片名:欢乐无限:任与史汀比的故事
  • 状态:高清
  • 主演:Mr./Lawrence/比利·吉布斯/Bob/Camp/文森特·沃勒/肖恩·帕特森/
  • 导演:Kimo/Easterwood/
  • 年份:2020
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:动画/纪录片/电影/
  • 评分:2.0分
  • 热度:804 ℃
  • 语言:英语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 05:37
  • 简介:90年代初,动画片《Ren & Stimpy》打破有线收视纪录,对那一代粉丝和艺术家来说也是试金石…… In the early 1990s, the animated show Ren & Stimpy broke cable ratings records and was a touchstone for a generation of fans and artists. Creator John Kric**si was celebrated as a visionary, but even though his personality suffused the show, dozens of artists and network executives were just as responsible for the show’s meteoric rise. As Kric**si’s worst impulses were let loose at the workplace and new allegations about even more disturbing beh*ior h*e su*ced, his reputation now threatens to taint the show forever. With clips recognizable to any Ren & Stimpy fan and interviews with Kric**si and his fellow creators whose work has been both elevated and denigrated by their connection to him, this film is a plex look at a show that influenced the history of television, animation, and edy. More than a celebration, Happy Happy Joy Joy - The Ren & Stimpy Story forces us to consider the role of media creators and how we reckon with the reality of who they are versus what we see on the screen.
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番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供电影《欢乐无限:任与史汀比的故事》剧情概述:90年代初,动画片《Ren & Stimpy》打破有线收视纪录,对那一代粉丝和艺术家来说也是试金石…… In the early 1990s, the animated show Ren & Stimpy broke cable ratings records and was a touchstone for a generation of fans and artists. Creator John Kric**si was celebrated as a visionary, but even though his personality suffused the show, dozens of artists and network executives were just as responsible for the show’s meteoric rise. As Kric**si’s worst impulses were let loose at the workplace and new allegations about even more disturbing beh*ior h*e su*ced, his reputation now threatens to taint the show forever. With clips recognizable to any Ren & Stimpy fan and interviews with Kric**si and his fellow creators whose work has been both elevated and denigrated by their connection to him, this film is a plex look at a show that influenced the history of television, animation, and edy. More than a celebration, Happy Happy Joy Joy - The Ren & Stimpy Story forces us to consider the role of media creators and how we reckon with the reality of who they are versus what we see on the screen.




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