

Very Well, Thank You


  • 片名:谢谢你,我很好
  • 状态:高清
  • 主演:Gilbert/Melki/桑德琳娜·基贝兰/Olivier/Cruveiller/克里斯多夫·奥顿特/René/Remblier/格莱高利·嘉德波瓦/
  • 导演:埃曼纽尔·库/
  • 年份:2007
  • 地区:法国
  • 类型:剧情/喜剧/电影/
  • 评分:6.0分
  • 热度:465 ℃
  • 语言:法语
  • 时间:2024-04-28 05:39
  • 简介:When Parisian accountant Alex (Gilbert Melki) stumbles upon a routine identity check, he stops to watch. The police tell him to move along, but he insists on his right to do what he likes in public, a point of view that earns him a night in the cells. Still outraged in the morning, he is committed to a psychiatric clinic. Then starts an absurd and implacable machinery that plunges Alex inside a sort of kafkaian world. Once in the system, how is he meant to get out?Emmanuelle Cuau*s Very Well, Thank You is a very realistic story of a normal man who got caught up in a system where giving a late sick le*e*s certificate to your employer can be a motive of di**issal, where watching policemen doing their job can be considered as an *offence*. A system, eventually, that shows us that today*s society don*t take into account the individual, but on the contrary play with him through laws, abuses of power, lies and *work.A subtle, unsentimental political drama that is comic and horrifying by turns.任職會計的阿歷士﹙基拔.梅爾基飾﹚有日在街上碰到*進行身份的例行檢查便停下來觀看。*叫他離開,但他堅持他有權在公共地方作他喜歡的事,這觀點使他被羈留了一晚。到了早上他依然是暴跳如雷,因而被送進精神病院。阿歷士亦因為制度的荒謬和部門的互不協調而無辜陷入某種卡夫卡式的世界中。一旦進入了制度內,他有甚麼辦法離開呢?《多謝夾唔該》以寫實的手法講述一個普通人因社會的制度而陷入困境,這制度容許僱主可以用僱員遲遞交病假紙作為解僱的理由,或是看*辦公可被視作*違法行為*。這制度最後向我們証實現今的社會並不重視人權,相反,它透過法律、濫用權力、謊話及文書工作來玩弄人。這是一部既幽默但又令人心驚膽跳,導演手法寫情細膩但毫不感情用事的**意識寫實電影。
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番茄不卡网(www.xihsdy.com)为您提供电影《谢谢你,我很好》剧情概述:When Parisian accountant Alex (Gilbert Melki) stumbles upon a routine identity check, he stops to watch. The police tell him to move along, but he insists on his right to do what he likes in public, a point of view that earns him a night in the cells. Still outraged in the morning, he is committed to a psychiatric clinic. Then starts an absurd and implacable machinery that plunges Alex inside a sort of kafkaian world. Once in the system, how is he meant to get out?Emmanuelle Cuau*s Very Well, Thank You is a very realistic story of a normal man who got caught up in a system where giving a late sick le*e*s certificate to your employer can be a motive of di**issal, where watching policemen doing their job can be considered as an *offence*. A system, eventually, that shows us that today*s society don*t take into account the individual, but on the contrary play with him through laws, abuses of power, lies and *work.A subtle, unsentimental political drama that is comic and horrifying by turns.任職會計的阿歷士﹙基拔.梅爾基飾﹚有日在街上碰到*進行身份的例行檢查便停下來觀看。*叫他離開,但他堅持他有權在公共地方作他喜歡的事,這觀點使他被羈留了一晚。到了早上他依然是暴跳如雷,因而被送進精神病院。阿歷士亦因為制度的荒謬和部門的互不協調而無辜陷入某種卡夫卡式的世界中。一旦進入了制度內,他有甚麼辦法離開呢?《多謝夾唔該》以寫實的手法講述一個普通人因社會的制度而陷入困境,這制度容許僱主可以用僱員遲遞交病假紙作為解僱的理由,或是看*辦公可被視作*違法行為*。這制度最後向我們証實現今的社會並不重視人權,相反,它透過法律、濫用權力、謊話及文書工作來玩弄人。這是一部既幽默但又令人心驚膽跳,導演手法寫情細膩但毫不感情用事的**意識寫實電影。




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